The End
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Community Action for Seaton's Regeneration Area, 80% owned by Tesco - a floodplain on a World Heritage site bordered by nature reserves, tidal river, the sea and the unspoilt town. SU4S is a state of mind - no members, no structure, no politics. SU4S has objected to 2 planning applications by Tesco, including one for a massive superstore/dot com distribution centre which led to the recent closure on the site of 400 tourist beds with the loss of 150 jobs,a gym and pool - all used by locals.
Seems it isn't only in Seaton that contaminated land is holding up regeneration (click headline for link). In Brixham Tesco is the "preferred partner" for the regeneration of the town centre, which has now been held up because the old car park appears to be on contaminated land.
A note on the EDDC website's Corporate Overview Committee meeting agenda for 26 March 2009
Article about a stunt for Comic Relief whereby EDDC's customer care people shaved off the Chief Executive's sideburns and raised money. Nice.
No, sorry, not Seaton - Blackpool.
An article from the Daily Telegraph of 27 January 2007 about how Tesco has arranged for another retailer to apply for planning permission for a new shop on its behalf. Once the local council has given the go-ahead for a new retailer, Tesco moves in.
The Environment Agency has submitted a letter to EDDC dated 06 March 2009 concerning the Tesco planning applications. It is available to view on the EDDC Planning Portal website.