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Stand Up For Seaton (SU4S)

Community Action for Seaton's Regeneration Area, 80% owned by Tesco - a floodplain on a World Heritage site bordered by nature reserves, tidal river, the sea and the unspoilt town. SU4S is a state of mind - no members, no structure, no politics. SU4S has objected to 2 planning applications by Tesco, including one for a massive superstore/dot com distribution centre which led to the recent closure on the site of 400 tourist beds with the loss of 150 jobs,a gym and pool - all used by locals.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


This post will be "sticky" (at the top) until 4 pm Saturday 25th October 2008.

Sainsbury's are taking their turn to tell us what they have planned for Seaton this week. They will be exhibiting in the Town Hall on:

Friday 24th October from 10 am to 7 pm
Saturday 25th October 10 am to 4 pm

Please make every effort to attend - we need to weigh up the two alternatives and we need your evidence to back up our findings.


At 7:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this Stand up for Seaton, or just the "Gilbert Scotland" hate Tesco campaign?

At 10:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sr seems to have commented on the wrong post, this one is about the Sainsburys exhibition, very like the Tesco exhibition one.
I don't see the "hate", is it in your mind?

At 11:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look at the entry for 30th September you will find a posting almost exactly the same for the Tesco exhibition.

What exactly is your problem seatonresident?

At 1:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or are you really a Seaton resident?

At 1:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seatonresident: were you actually complaining that Stand Up For Seaton didn't book a similar stand at the Tesco exhibition? If so, please be aware that there was no further space available at the Eyre Court Hotel and, even if there had been, Tesco would not allow us to be in "their space" and made us stand outside the Eyre Court premises. We DID however book Temptations cafe because it was as near to the Tesco exhibition as we could get - similarly the foyer of the Town Hall is as near as we can get to Sainsbury.

I don't think you can possibly say that we are treating the two supermarkets any differently. Why should we? We want what is best for Seaton and if Tesco turns out to be best for Seaton and its regeneration, we shall have no hesitation in saying so. Equally, if we think it is not the best thing for Seaton we shall say that - it's called democracy.

At 1:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry seaton resident (7.18am) couldn't find any clue as to why us informing the public about Sainsbury's exhibition in exactly the same way as we did for Tesco's turns into a hate Tesco camapign. what we'll be doing is monitoring both events in the same way. we do want to know what everyone thinks, pro's and cons. don't forget both these events are suppossed to be public consultations.

At 6:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't understand. What was there in the post that seatonresident found so unacceptable? Perhaps that person should look at the letters in this weeks View from Seaton where it appears they couldnt find any "pro" Tesco letters to publish and I am sure they would have done so if they had received any.

Sounds to me like Stand Up For Seaton are being more than fair to Tesco and Sainsburys.

Perhaps the person who wrote the first post meant to do it in Lyme Regis.

At 7:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I am a Seaton Resident, and I actually voted for the Stand Up Councillors! It is my view that Stand up for Seaton, and Town Councillors (or are they the same thing?) are pinning there hopes on Sainsburys being Seaton's "Knight in shining armour". Both Tesco & Sainsburys are commercial operations that will develop for one purpose only, to make commercial gains. This blog carries constant commentary on the activities of Tesco elsewhere. Can this be said of Sainsbury? NO!
Sainsburys should be treated exactly the same as Tesco. Both will seriously harm small businesses in Seaton, and both will be out to do as little as possible to enhance our town. I am on the same side as SUFS, but have to question whether certain members simply "hate tesco with a passion"

At 1:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE Seaton resident find us some bad press about Sainsburys! We have been trawling national and regional newspapers and the Tescopoly web site (which is about misdemeanours of all big supermarkets, not just Tesco) for all stories in South West England about Tesco AND Sainsburys but we have not been able to find anything except about Sainsburys wanting to build a store on a playing field in Saltash and one where they wanted to build in Bristol where there are already many other supermarkets, both of which we reported in this blog.

Tesco have more than 1,800 stores in the UK, Sainsburys has just over 800, Asda has 260 stores and Morrisons has 375 stores. Tesco accounts for just over 30% of all shopping sales, Asda for around 17%, Sainsburys about 16% and Morrisons about 14% with "others" making up the rest.

So it is not surprising that more stories are published about Tesco than any other supermarket - it has more stores than all the others put together.

But PLEASE help us and keep looking Seaton resident - we promise to print anything important that you find.

Also, we know that Tesco and their PR people regularly read this blog so please you people help yourseves and point us in the right direction!

At 4:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've found one (or rather someone else has found one for me) - an anti-Sainsbury story. I received an anonymous letter(!) this morning from someone who pointed out this item from the Western Morning News of 16 October 2008.

West Devon Borough Council has thrown out a Sainsburys AND a Lidl in Tavistock because they would be an "unacceptable detriment to the vitality and viability of the town centre".

The Sainsburys application was further refused because it was on employment land and the Lidl store was turned down on the casting vote of the Chairman.

Tavistock had set up a pressure group called "The Brook Campaign" to stop both applications and there were 459 objections to the Sainsburys plan.

Lidl was unavailable for comment but Sainsburys spokesperson said "Clearly we're disappointed with the decision of the committee as we believe a new Sainsburys store would be an asset to Tavistock and enhance the vitality of the town by reducing "leakage" to other centres such as Plymouth. We will now be taking some time to review our options".

Thank you the anonymous Seaton resident who posted the newspaper cutting to me. Keep looking everyone.

At 5:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think I would prefer the Tesco plan, why should Sainsbury's build a new tram station (Its a private company and very expensive for Seaton residents to use!! since they took away the residents passes) and also why should they pay for a visitor centre (Glorified Tourist Infomation Office)!!

At 1:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I've now had a chance to look at the Sainsburys proposals. They do at least offer something back to the Town in the form of the visitor centre. Whether a Visitor Centre will really do anything for the Town is another matter - personally I don't see it attracting anyone who wouldn't come here anyway. The "cinema" is just 90 seats and they are taking away the children's play area and playing field and only replacing the play area. But there are a vocal group who want the visitor's centre so Sainsburys have been very clever at getting the various interest groups to support them.

At 3:37 pm, Blogger archmaster said...

Right, I've just had to correct Gilberts faux pas on blog post dates, and sent him a little email on where the date box is on the post editing side!
This post is now staying at thetop until the 25th.

This means that posts relating to the "anti-tesco" query are now out of chronological order. The ones on this post actually pre-date the one's on the "Is this blog anti-tesco?" post. ( I think that nearly made sense)

I trust contributors will all now get their comments under the right headings (it's confusing me when I'm on mod duty!!).

At 2:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happens the people of Seaton must support the Sainsbury's proposal. This will bring real choice and force Tesco's to compete. When shopping is compared Tesco's is not cheap and at present dominate our towns and cities.


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