Tourist beds in Seaton
For all those of you who have been somewhat confused about PR Dogs assertion at the Winston's meeting, which I attended as an observer, that there are 2,200 tourist beds in Seaton and that holiday park accommodation is reducing, I think I can throw some light on this (though no doubt PR Dogs will tell me by comment here if I am wrong!).
I think they got their figures from the Devon County Council Tourism Report "Capacity of Tourist Accommodation In Resorts" of 2006. In this report, only three towns in East Devon are named: Exmouth, Sidmouth and Seaton. We therefore have to assume that the figures below for "Seaton" include Branscombe, Beer, Axmouth, Colyford and Colyton (and quite possibly other villages around Seaton, possibly even Axminster and beyond - this is not made clear in the report). By the way, East Devon is shown as having over 30,000 tourist beds in total.
Of the Seaton AREA (whatever that is):
220 serviced accommodation, average spend per night £56.59
40 flats and houses, average spend per night £33.37
970 holiday park units (includes static caravans and chalets) average spend £33.30 per night
1,000 touring pitches (touring caravans, , motor caravans, tents and trailer tents) average spend £20.78 per night
However, regarding PR Dogs assertion that the holiday park component is falling, if they used this document, again there is some confusion, as tables 28 and 29 in the report show that 33% of holiday parks report stable visitor numbers and 63% report increased numbers on the previous year.
PR Dogs: we do need citations for statistics, please.