The Day The Circus Came to Seaton
It appears then that the unelected, non-resident EDDC planning people believe that we will be better served by the "clone town " option rather than what benefits an alternative might bring.
Today at 2pm the EDDC planning committee meets at Seaton Town Hall to discuss that recommendation. Places are limited to a 200 seat "first-come, first-seated" option.
Either the committee will properly consider the wishes of the town, or we get a store on a 2 metre plinth with a vague promise of housing. This committee is made up of elected members....oh, elected by people who don't live in Seaton.
SU4S fought a campaign to get the better all round deal for the town, a town with the distinctiveness of being on the Jurassic coast, we want something better than the run-of-the-mill choices. As Cllr Franklin asserted in February he for one "won't sell Seaton short"...OK then let's have a summary of the flyer you will all have received....
1 other in 25 miles
Visitor centre+ cinema
Wetlands centre
SUSTRANS terminus
Tramway given higher profile
No infill
Planted seated area in open space.
Best value for town
86% in favour of Sainsburys
15 in local area
Possible if someone else funds it.
Possible 300+ houses
Possible hotel
Tramway has public toilets removed.
Lots of infill (I mean lots)
Planted seated area in monsoon drain.
Best value for Tescos
4% in favour of Tescos
Which one would you like?
EDDC planning think we should have (not like)Tescos, we beg to differ.
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