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Stand Up For Seaton (SU4S)

Community Action for Seaton's Regeneration Area, 80% owned by Tesco - a floodplain on a World Heritage site bordered by nature reserves, tidal river, the sea and the unspoilt town. SU4S is a state of mind - no members, no structure, no politics. SU4S has objected to 2 planning applications by Tesco, including one for a massive superstore/dot com distribution centre which led to the recent closure on the site of 400 tourist beds with the loss of 150 jobs,a gym and pool - all used by locals.

Monday, January 19, 2009

SU4S comments on Tesco planning applications to appear soon

The SU4S comments on the Tesco planning applications will appear here soon, as soon as we have all had chance to wade through the 2 ft high pile of documents.

To assist us, Seaton Town Council should be opening their offices more often than 9-12 Tuesday - Thursday. This is too important to restrict access to those people who can get in during weekday mornings. We shall be tackling them about this tomorrow - when their office opens.

The plans are mostly available online but they are missing vital documents - a reason why the consultation time clock should not be ticking. To access them go to:

Click on the Planning tab
Click on the link marked "Planning Applications Online" and agree to the terms and conditions
Click on "Planning" on the left hand side
Click on "Application Search"

In the "Application Case Reference" Box, type

for the supermarket application OR
for the rest of the site
Click on "Search" (don't use the Enter key - this just brings up a calendar - scroll further down the screen for "Search"
Then go to "Click to View"
Then go to "Associated Documents"
then go to "View Associated Documents"

This pulls up a list of documents which will either need Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word.

Note that the most important document - the Environmental Impact Assessment - is NOT there - it is only available on CD-ROM which you will have to apply for to EDDC or which you will have to make arrangements to view with the town council - assuming they have the facility for it.


At 4:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the Seaton Clerk to make the impact assessment doc available would mean converting to paper format or making a computer available...really eddc should have provided it in paper from the word go, it would appear that they've rushed it out and didn't give the time to make the hardcopy.

As another commenter said, we're not all pc literate in town so why should eddc make that leap?

At 12:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely right. Complain to the clerk and phone EDDC Planning Department and ask to speak to the case officer. The rules say that the whole thing should be accessible to the public. To my mind it isn't available to the public if the public cant read it.

At 3:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

presumably one applies to the planning office for the CD? are we expected to pay to see information that should be publically available?

At 4:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well so far I notice it's a mere 40vehicles per day for a 65 week construction period - on a one way route coming in through Axmouth and leaving Seaton in a north westerly direction. That's just for the supermarket, of course.

No replacement for the tourist facilities except maybe a hotel with possibly a swimming pool. And part of the tourism area is shown as land TEsco don't open - the Riverside site. What's happened to that planning application?

And Tesco claiming Seaton Town Centre will benefit from its prescence when several shops have already closed as a result of it closing the holiday village.

There are going to have to be a lot more benfits for Seaton before you would find me in a Tesco store.

At 2:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the advertisement in the Midweek Herald you CAN get a copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment (provided there are any left) if you are happy to pay £300 (yes, that's right, three hundred pounds).

Sounds like a bestseller to me.


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