Results of Ottery St Mary Tesco consultation 21% yes, 79% no
According to the Express and Echo, Ms Melanie Chiswell of Tesco has announced that 600 people visited the Tesco exhibition held at the offices of a local estate agent. 180 people filled in questionnaires of whom 70% were in favour of the store. I'm not good at maths but that seems to be 21% of 600 people were in favour of the store, 79% were not in favour (unless there were some "don't knows" but the article gave no indication that there were any). (If anyone is better at maths, please correct me quickly!)
I have seen a press release from Sainsbury's on the result of their consultation in Seaton - 1,800 visitors, 950 questionnares sent back just under 95% in favour of a Sainsbury's. Seems around 50% of people who visited the Sainsbury's exhibition reported back in Seaton, less than a third filled in forms in Ottery. Seaton can always be relied upon to give its views!
There were 1200 people at the Tesco exhibition and many of them filled in questionnaires. When will we get the Tesco results Ms Chiswell? It has been a LONG time and presumably you counted ours as quickly as you counted those at Ottery St mary
Must have been a sunny day in OSM to get 600 people thru an estate agents door!
But the numbers filling in the form looks a bit low. It might be that only those who expressed a positive interest were given a form to fill in, so you would then get an elevated "positive" response.
This isn't neccessarily malice, with all those people going in/out the tray of forms might get overlooked, so your pr people only give out forms to those they engage with.
Others won't fill out the form because (all together now in your finest grumpy voices) "it's a done deal"
I once went on a package tour. Coming back I was asked to fill in a form asking my opinion of the holiday. I was allowed to tick one of 4 boxes thus
Very Good
the rep went further and advised, Excellent is better than 60/100; Very Good is better than 35/100
Good better than 15/100 and anything else is average.
funnily enough the company was able to report that more than 90% of customers thought their holiday was either excellent or very good, and nobody said it was anything less than average.
I suspect PR Dogs learnt at the feet of the same PR guru
Your figures of 21% v 79% are rather biased against Tescos aren't they? For your info I am an Ottery resident and we were not all given forms to fill in. However to sugest that those who did not fill in a form are all 'NO's' is rather presumptuious! Well I supose they do say there are Lies, damn Lies and Statistics....Most people here are undecided as to if a Supermarket is what Ottery needs. Personally I like to location proposed by Sainsburys as it is in the town centre. So not a Tesco V Sainsbury thing more of a best location thing. Hope your campaign goes well but please do not try to tarnish the people of Ottery as people who do not care. Maybe it is more the fact that we have less retired people here so less time to devote to such things!!
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